Download this free eChart from Top 50 Bible Stories about Jesus for preschool or elementary and see for yourself how easy it is to follow!

Each book includes the same amazing Bible stories with 4 activities adapted for either preschool or elementary age groups. Teach kids about being a good neighbor with this activity‐packed Bible lesson on the Good Samaritan! Includes:
- 2 Good Samaritan Bible stories (1 preschool, 1 elementary)
- Guided discussion questions about how to be a good neighbor
- Pin-the-bandage-on-the-injured-man activity page
- “Find the Good Samaritan” craft where kids search for images of helpful kids
- Samaritan and Injured Man paper dolls craft
- Good Samaritan picture puzzle coloring page
- Stand-Up story triangle craft
- And more!
These are just two of the Bible lessons that are sure to capture your kids’ attention!
Explore the life of Jesus with 50 key Bible stories spanning Jesus’ birth, ministry, death and resurrection! Featuring over 200 age-appropriate games and activities in each, Top 50 Bible Stories about Jesus for preschool or elementary gives you a WHOLE year’s worth of lessons.
Have you ever read through a curriculum book and wondered: will this activity actually work for my class? Will we have enough time?
Whether you are new to kids’ ministry or are a pro, you’ll find new object lessons, games, and ideas with over 200 activity options adapted for preschool (ages 2–5) and elementary (ages 5–10) kids!

You don’t need a teaching degree to do these lessons! Each lesson contains step-by-step instructions and guided conversations to keep you on track.
Features an Easy-to-Follow Format for a Year of Lessons!
Anyone can teach these Bible lessons! You don’t need to prep for hours. These lessons are quick, easy, and typically require less than 10–15 minutes of prep work.

Each Top 50 Bible Stories about Jesus is packed with 50 important Bible stories adapted for preschool and elementary age levels! Teach children about God’s abundant love through lessons on caring for the sick, accepting outcasts, forgiving others, and more.
Each lesson includes:
- Opening game
- Bible story and object lesson
- 4 optional activities
- Reproducible activities
- Memory verse
- And more!
Includes Step-by-Step Instructions for 200 Activities
You know your students best. That’s why Top 50 Bible Stories about Jesus for preschool and elementary allows YOU to choose the activities that work best for your classroom. Featuring materials lists, guided conversations, and reproducible pages, each book lays out all the essential information you need for a complete lesson.

It includes incredible resources for teachers:
- Reproducible take‐home sheets
- Step‐by‐step instructions
- Teacher scripts
- Materials lists (uses everyday materials)
Engaging Activities for Preschool or Elementary
Featuring the same Bible stories about Jesus, each book includes over 200 different activities to engage both age groups. Packed with mazes, coloring pages, crafts, games and more, it lays out everything you need to spark your children’s interest.

It includes the most popular Bible stories about Jesus including:
- Jesus’ birth (Angelic announcement, shepherd visitors, wise men arrival, etc.)
- Jesus’ ministry (Calling the disciples, performing miracles, etc.)
- Jesus’ final days (Triumphant entry, last supper, Pilate’s trial, etc.)
- Jesus’ death and resurrection
Sale ends tomorrow! Get Top 50 Bible Stories about Jesus for preschool or elementary for just $19.99 (Reg. $24.99). Sale ends 2/24/21.

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